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VeVe Master Collector Program β€” OMI Rewards: Season One

OMI Rewards are a pillar of the VeVe Master Collector Program. Participate to receive in-app perks and benefits using your OMI tokens.

The first official OMI Rewards season is about to begin! Through it, VeVe Collectors will continue to earn bonus daily MCP Points and can now begin earning their first in-app item- Bronze MCP Tickets 🎟️

How Do OMI Rewards Work?

OMI Rewards offer perks and benefits to users who deposit and hold OMI tokens in their OMI Web Wallet.Β 

To begin earning rewards, users must ensure their OMI tokens are bridged (deposited) to Immutable X and transferred to their OMI web wallet. OMI tokens held on Ethereum layer 1 or outside the OMI Web Wallet will not be considered for rewards.Β 

Learn how to deposit your OMI to Immutable X here. Instructions are available in multiple languages.

OMI Rewards: Season One

In Season Zero, VeVe Collectors earned bonus Master Collector Program (MCP) Points, contributing to their collector Rank and Level. These Points will also be spendable throughout the VeVe app as those features become available.Β 

In Season One, participants will continue to earn daily bonus MCP Points based on the number of OMI tokens they hold in their web wallets. Now, they will also begin earning additional rewards in the form of Bronze MCP Tickets.

Season One begins January 1, 2024, and concludes March 31, 2024, after which participants will receive their Bronze Ticket allocation.

To earn the maximum Ticket rewards for your OMI deposits, bridge and deposit your OMI tokens to the web wallet BEFORE the beginning of Season One and maintain them in your wallet until the Season has concluded.

Just like in Season Zero, rewards can be earned up to a maximum amount of 10 million OMI tokens. To qualify for the maximum rewards, deposit your OMI tokens before the beginning of Season One (January 1, 2024) and maintain your deposit until after the season concludes.

Reminder: before sending OMI tokens to your OMI Web Wallet, you must first deposit them to Immutable X.

When Will I Receive My Bronze MCP Tickets?

Season One concludes on March 31, 2024.

Tickets will be issued in early Season Two (which begins April 1, 2024). VeVe Collectors should continue to hold their OMI token deposits in their Web Wallets for the complete duration of the season to maximize the number of tickets earned.

That means the only way to acquire Bronze MCP Tickets in Season One is by depositing OMI tokens to your OMI Web Wallet. Please see these instructions on how to do so!Β 

Maintaining your deposit beyond the end of Season One will make your deposit automatically eligible for Season Two, and you will continue to earn daily MCP Points, seasonal Ticket rewards, and any additional perks/bonuses as the OMI Rewards system is progressively released.

What Can I Do With Bronze MCP Tickets?

Bronze tickets are a special accessory item within VeVe that help you build your digital collections with various redemption features. The first two features will be:

  • Crafting: Bronze Tickets earned from OMI Rewards: Season One will have an opportunity to be redeemed in an exclusive crafting event.
  • Bronze Ticket to MCP Points: Need some extra MCP points? Redeem your Bronze Tickets for an amount of MCP points to augment your experience for any features that will require MCP points to access.

‍Note: Redemption/utility functions will only be available after issuing the Season One Ticket rewards. They may not be available immediately or at the same time. More details of both features will be released closer to the first allotment of Bronze Tickets at the end of the season.


When Does Season One Begin?
Season One begins on January 1, 2024, and concludes on March 31, 2024.Β Season Two begins on April 1, 2024.Β 

I Just Joined VeVe. Can I join OMI Rewards at any time?
Yes. You will earn MCP Point rewards ~24 to 48 hours after depositing OMI to the Web Wallet.

Any MCP Ticket rewards earned will be issued following the conclusion of the Season you joined, as long as you deposited OMI to your Web Wallet before the Season began.

If you join a season after the start date, you will still earn MCP Points during that Season which can be redeemed throughout the app. However, you will have to wait until the conclusion of the following season to earn/receive MCP Ticket rewards.
How are Bronze Ticket rewards allocated?
The number of Tickets earned depends on the average number of OMI tokens held in your Web Wallet from the beginning to the end of the season. To qualify for rewards, deposit OMI to the web wallet before the beginning of Season One and maintain it until after the season endsΒ  (April 1, 2024).Β 

When Can I Redeem my Bronze Tickets?
Bronze Ticket redemptions will be made available during Season Two.

Can I buy bronze tickets?
In the future, it is intended that Bronze Tickets can be acquired using OMI tokens. However, the only way to earn them during Season One is by depositing OMI to your OMI Web Wallet and participating in OMI Rewards.

To begin earning, deposit your OMI tokens to Immutable X Layer 2 and send them to your OMI Web Wallet using these instructions.Β 

Are bronze tickets NFTs?
No. Bronze Tickets are an in-app item.

‍Do Bronze Tickets expire?
No. Once earned, Bronze Tickets do not expire. However, each ticket can only be redeemed once.

What happens if I withdraw my OMI tokens from the web wallet?
You can withdraw your OMI tokens from the Web Wallet at any time. However, to qualify for OMI Rewards, deposit your tokens before the beginning of each Season and maintain that deposit until the Season has finished.
Is There a Maximum Number of Tokens I Can Deposit?
You can store as many tokens in the OMI Web Wallet as you wish; however, rewards can only be earned on a maximum of 10 million OMI tokens in Season One.

Can I earn anything else with OMI Rewards?
VeVe Collectors will earn daily MCP Points and Bronze Ticket rewards in Season One. Over time, additional features, rewards, and benefits will be added to continue rewarding token holders and VeVe Collectors. Stay tuned!Β 

‍Where Can I Learn More About OMI Tokens?
The OMI Token Portal is your one-stop shop to learn more about the OMI token, including how to purchase and store them safely, instructions, walkthroughs, and information about any token utilities currently in development or already available.

You can access the OMI Token Portal here.

How Do I Deposit OMI Tokens into VeVe?
To learn more about the OMI token, please visit the following instructions in the token portal: How to Deposit OMI into VeVe

Walkthrough guides and instructions are available in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, Korean, and simplified and traditional Chinese. Video walkthroughs are also available.

Learn More


‍‍OMI is a token issued by ECOMI Technology PTE Ltd (ECOMI). The Web Wallet ( is provided by ECOMI subject to its user terms. No warranty or guarantee is given about the specific utility or benefits that are or could be available for holding or using the OMI token.Β Β 

‍Utility and benefits may be changed, added, and/or removed. The value of tokens is very volatile, and there is no warranty or guarantee as to the future value of tokens, if any, or the ability to buy and sell OMI tokens. You purchase, receive, or hold OMI tokens and use the Web Wallet solely at your own risk, and ECOMI accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered.Β  By using the Web Wallet, you confirm you have read and accepted its user terms.

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Dec 12, 2023

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Founded in 2018, VeVe was created for collectors by collectors to bring premium licensed digital collectibles to the mass market. With over 8 million NFTs sold, VeVe is the largest carbon neutral digital collectibles platform, and one of the top grossing Entertainment Apps in the Google Play and Apple stores. #CollectorsAtHeart